Bringing your Human and your Soul in alignment is the first Union you will experience.

Bringing your Human Self in alignment with your Soul is for sure a journey, yet it is the first union you ever experience.

When you experience trauma, you disconnect from your body, because trauma is in the body. You are not just a body or your Human self. Yet, you identify your human self, first and foremost, with the physical body, and when you experience trauma and sustain a wound, if it is not healed it is stored in your body.

If your arm hurts when you do certain things, in time, you stop using your arm in those ways in order to not feel pain. And this is what you do with your self: After sustaining an emotional wound, if you don't attend to it to heal it, you feel pain every time you try to express that part of your self. And so in time you stop, you repress and disconnect from those parts of your self in order not to feel pain. You start living from a fragmented self.

You live on as you keep pressing and suppressing those parts of yourself. A repressed self is a repressed immune system, so you start experiencing chronic illnesses, physical pain, discomfort, immune system problems or you get sick often.

Or you give up on your dreams, passions and callings. You give up on being all of you, expressing yourself fully, connecting with people in a fulfilling way. You stop expecting to be heard and seen. You stop expecting to feel joy and love. You stop yourself in order to not feel pain. You stop being YOU.

The good news is that since trauma is the wound you sustain due to an event, it is in your body, and you can heal it at anytime.

Healing comes with connection: Connecting with those parts of yourself that you disconnected from due to pain. Connecting with the wound and bringing your love, compassion and understanding to those parts and integrate them into the whole. This way you recover the parts of yourself that were left behind, and you become more whole as you do that.

For me healing has been a journey back, all the way back, to collect every single part of me that I have dropped, left behind or given away. And every time I was able to recover a part of me, I felt my soul and my human more in Union.

I have dedicated my life doing this and I help others come into Union with themselves with different healing modalities.

As Gabor Mate says, "safety is not lack of threat, but it is the presence of connection." 

It all comes back to safety and connection. And if you are ready to connect, first with yourself, and then with life, as your unapologetic authentic self, I invite you to one of my sessions, workshops or retreat. Helping myself heal has been the most fulfilling journey, and I am blessed to help others who are ready to help themselves.

Much love,


In your healing journey, you release what doens’t belong to you and what is no longer serving you, and that allows more of you and your soul to come through. And as you bring back the parts of yourself that you have given away or left behind along the way, your light shines through more and more.