Online New Moon Sound bath with Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls

Online New Moon Sound bath with Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls

Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls are designed for healing and wellbeing, having a transformational effect on any presenting imbalances within the mind, emotions, physical body and biofield. They are here to sing us back to alignment with our true nature. The Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls' tones and vibrations fill the space to create a deeply sensory experience. Their velvety, ethereal sounds are welcomed by the body, mind, and the spirit, allowing each moment to take us into a deeper peaceful state, which is our natural state. 

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Kendinle Sevgiden Buluş - Farkındalık Atölyesi
to Jan 26

Kendinle Sevgiden Buluş - Farkındalık Atölyesi

Kendinle Sevgiden Buluş atölyeleri seni kendinde yabancılaşmış, terk edilmiş ve mücadele ettiğin yanlarınla buluşturuyor. Belki de hep kaçtığın ve reddetmeye çalıştığın yanlarınla, güvenli bir alanda kavuşmanı sağlıyor. Kendinden kaçmadan yaşamana ilk adım oluyor. Seni kendinle buluşturuyor. Ve sevgiden kavuşturuyor. 

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Embrace Yourself Wholly with Love Awareness
to Feb 9

Embrace Yourself Wholly with Love Awareness

The Embrace Yourself with Love Awareness workshop brings you together with the parts of yourself that you have alienated, abandoned or been at war with. It provides the safe space and guidance for you to meet the parts of yourself that you have always run away from and tried to reject. It becomes the first step to living without running away and abandoning yourself. This workshop becomes your first step to embrace yourself wholly, fully with love and compassion and to claim your full potential.

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Journey to Joy - Expansion Retreat
to Jun 1

Journey to Joy - Expansion Retreat

This 5-day retreat guides you to cultivate a deeper connection with yourself, physically, emotionally and mentally, aids you to gain a better understanding of your nervous system, your trauma responses and coping mechanisms, equips you in the ways to release the stuck stress energy from your body, and, from this realization and transformation, allows you to tap into your potential, on and off the mat, and removes what is blocking you to show up in the world more authentically and intentionally and to experience life with joy.

This retreat unlocks your potential.

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Online Full Moon Sound bath with Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls

Online Full Moon Sound bath with Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls

Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls are designed for healing and wellbeing, having a transformational effect on any presenting imbalances within the mind, emotions, physical body and biofield. They are here to sing us back to alignment with our true nature. The Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls' tones and vibrations fill the space to create a deeply sensory experience. Their velvety, ethereal sounds are welcomed by the body, mind, and the spirit, allowing each moment to take us into a deeper peaceful state, which is our natural state. 

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Sound bath with Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls

Sound bath with Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls

Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls are designed for healing and wellbeing, having a transformational effect on any presenting imbalances within the mind, emotions, physical body and biofield. They are here to sing us back to alignment with our true nature. The Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls' tones and vibrations fill the space to create a deeply sensory experience. Their velvety, ethereal sounds are welcomed by the body, mind, and the spirit, allowing each moment to take us into a deeper peaceful state, which is our natural state. 

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Yoga ve Ayurveda ile İçindeki Evreni Tanı
to Mar 17

Yoga ve Ayurveda ile İçindeki Evreni Tanı

  • Seshane Eğitim ve Yaşam Merkezi (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Ayurveda herşeyin iyileşme potansiyeline inanır ve kişiyi bu potansiyeline taşıyacak pusuladır.

Yoga ve Ayurveda inzivası Yoga'nın kardeş bilimi olarak bilinen Ayurveda'yı ele alan bir çalışma etrafında senin kendi kendini ve yapını tanıyarak kendi iyileşme potansiyelinin tamamına ulaşabilmen ve oradan da yaşam gücünü ve hayattan aldığın neşe ve coşkuyu büyütmek için gerekli temel donanımı sağlamak için düzenlendi. Hepimizin içinde bir ışık var. Bunun parlaması mümkün ve senin elinde :)

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Yoga ve Şifa ile Ferahlığa Yolculuk
to Oct 15

Yoga ve Şifa ile Ferahlığa Yolculuk

Bu 5 günlük kampı, asana pratiği ve meditasyon ile birlikte somatik çalışmalarla ve kristal çanaklarla ses banyosu seanslarıyla hem fiziksel hem ruhsal hem de enerjisel boyutta derinlemesine bir çalışma olması, ve kendimizi ve sinir sistemimizi daha iyi tanıdığımız yerden şifaya ve özümüze götürmesi niyetiyle düzenledim. Bu çalışmalara şimdi ne kadar çok ihtiyacımız olduğunu tekrardan görüyorum ve bu yoga ve şifa kampını yapıyor ve sizlere sunuyor olmaktan mutluluk duyuyorum.   

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Expansion Retreat with Yoga and Healing practices
to Sep 22

Expansion Retreat with Yoga and Healing practices

This is a 5 day retreat where we will practice yoga and meditation, learn about Somatic Approach and Experiencing, and receive healing energies with sound baths with Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls every day. I organised this retreat to allow us to dive deep into our selves, to get to know ourselves physically, emotionally and mentally, to have a better understanding of our nervous system, our trauma responses and coping mechanisms and from this realization to transform our perception of threat, which induces fear within us and limits our potential. By doing these practices, we learn to release the trauma in the body, so we can tap into our true potential, and create and live a life more in harmony with ourselves.

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to Jul 27

The Power to Heal and Change

This program is for those who are dealing with anxiety and stress, stress-related health issues, and for those who feel blocked from pursuing what they want and want to overcome the fears and anxieties that prevent them from experiencing life fully!

This program is a stepping stone to be free of stress-related health issues and to be able to pursue your passion and your calling.

I understand where you are because I have been in a similar situation. I had chronic migraines starting in high school, panic attacks and insomnia after university and many other stress-related health issues in my early twenties. I was working in jobs that I thought were safe, but I never felt happy or fulfilled.

I have dedicated the last 12 years to healing myself, and I am free from all my health issues, I turned my passion and calling into a business, I am living my life in alignment with my true self, in authenticity and using my true potential. Now, I am sharing all the healing tools and modalities I used to help myself in helping others like you.

With this program you can learn to deal with anxiety and stress, address your chronic pain and discomfort, enhance the sense of safety and gain an expanded sense of self, so you can UNLOCK YOUR TRUE POTENTIAL.

This is a 3-day Online Program for you to access the Power within you to bring personal Healing and Transformation. We will dive deep into understanding the Nervous System through Somatic Experiencing and help you manage your stress, anxiety, fear and worries.

This program will cover the following topics to give you a fundamental understanding and the basic tools to deal with anxiety, stress, stress related health issues and fear that prevents you from going after what you really want:

Guide to Human Behaviour: Understand your Nervous System and how it operates, so you gain an insight about where your behaviours and responses are coming from.

Daily Practices for immediate stress relief: Learn practices that you can implement daily to regulate your Nervous System, so you can bring yourself back to feeling safe, calm, and relaxed, and your mind back to clarity.

Understanding Trauma Responses: Understand the nature of trauma and its effects on the body and the nervous system, so you can recognise your nervous system responses that are trauma responses, and your body's release responses. This will help you navigate triggering situations with more insight, so you can provide yourself the support you need.

Guided Somatic Practices: I will guide you through somatic exercises that will help you release trauma stored in your body that cause pain, and anxiety, and also resistance to move towards what you want and meant to do.

Stepping out of Automatic Behavior: Learn to mindfully track your automatic behaviours to allow the creation of new options for behaviour, move out of your conditionings and freely make decisions and choose your actions.

With this program you will:

- understand your inner operating system and what is governing your behaviors,

- learn and practice the tools for immediate stress relief,

- release trauma stored in your body that cause chronic pain and anxiety,

- learn to move beyond mental roadblocks, fears and resistance that prevent you from going after what you really want in life.

This program will take place on 25-26-27 July 2023 from 7-9:30pm UK London time via Online Zoom.


Early Bird price (until June 15th): 287£

Full Price (afterJune 15th): 357£

- Participation is limited to 10 people.

- If you have any questions you can contact me at for more information.

- You can register from this link:

This program is a step on your way to health in every sense of the word and to realizing your potential.

I hope to meet, share and work with you in this program!

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Kendinle Sevgiden Buluş - Farkındalık Atölyesi
to Jul 15

Kendinle Sevgiden Buluş - Farkındalık Atölyesi

Biz çoğunlukla kendimizi öğrenilmiş ve hep sabit bir yerden var etmeye çalışıyoruz. Halbuki bu bizim varoluş alanımızı ve şeklimizi çok kısıtladığı gibi, bir bütün olarak var olmamızı da engelliyor. Ancak kendimizdeki bütün gölgelerle kabulde kaldığımız zaman ve onları da ışığa ve açığa çıkardığımız zaman, geçmişi günümüze taşıyarak birikmiş bir yerden tepkisel ve yargılayıcı değil, anda kalarak ve anın içinde durumu değerlendirerek anlayışla ve işlevsel bir yerden bir ilişki ve iletişim kurabiliriz. Kendi gölgelerimizle barıştığımız zaman kendi kendimizin en iyi arkadaşı olabilir, kendi içimizde huzurdan ve sevgiden var olabiliriz.

İşte ben de bunu gerçekleştirmemize yardımcı olmak için Kendinle Sevgiden Buluş kampını hazırladım. Bu çalışmaları kendimizi daha iyi ve yakından tanıyabilmemiz, kendimize karşı dürüst olabilmemiz, dürüst olduğumuz yerden kabule geçebilmemiz ve oradan da sevgiyle kendimizi kucaklayabilmemiz, karanlıkta kalmış ve bırakılmış yanlarımızı kendimize katabilmemiz ve buradan da kendimizle ve etrafımızdakilerle daha bilinçli ve sevgiden ilişkiler kurabilmemiz için tasarladım.

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Ferahlayan Benliğiniz
to Jul 6

Ferahlayan Benliğiniz

Bu program kaygı ve stresle, strese bağlı sağlık sorunlarıyla uğraşan ve istediği şeyin peşinden gitmek konusunda engellenmiş hisseden ve hayatı keyif ve neşeyle yaşamasını engelleyen korku ve kaygılarının üstesinden gelmek isteyenler için!

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Lenf Sistemi Atölyesi

Lenf Sistemi Atölyesi

Lenf sistemi arınma ve temizleme sistemi olarak bedenimizden toksinleri atmayı sağlıyor. Bu sistem hepimizde zamanla akumulasyon yaşıyor ve normalde yapabildiği temizliği yapamadığından bedende birikim oluyor. Yüzde şişmeler, çenenin altındaki lenf bezelerinde şişmeler ve çene çizgisinin yaş ilerledikçe kaybolması, ayaklarda ve alt bacaklarda şişmeler, ellerde şişmeler, karın bölgesinde şişmeler hepsi bu birikimin nedeni.

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Yoga ve Ayurveda ile İçindeki Evreni Tanı
to Mar 19

Yoga ve Ayurveda ile İçindeki Evreni Tanı

Ayurveda uzun yaşam bilimi diye geçer. Sadece uzun değil tabii, yaşam enerjisi ile varolabilmenin kılavuzudur.

Ayurvedaya göre herkes kendi içinde bir evrendir. Bu evreni tanıdıkça, kendi içimizdeki evreni, dışarıya bakarak veya başkalarına bakarak anlayamayacağımızı görür ve kendi içimizdeki evreni tanımak için içeri doğru bakma isteği ve motivasyonu duyarız.

İşte ben de bu Yoga ve Ayurveda inzivasını Yoga'nın kardeş bilimi olarak bilinen Ayurveda'yı ele alan bir çalışma etrafında sizin kendi kendinizi ve yapınızı tanıyarak kendi iyileşme potansiyelinizin tamamına ulaşabilmeniz ve oradan da yaşam gücünüzü ve hayattan aldığınız neşe ve coşkuyu büyütmek için gerekli temel donanımı sağlamak için düzenledim. Hepimizin içinde bir ışık var. Bunun mümkün olduğu kadar parlaması mümkün ve sizin elinizde.

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Core Workshop

Core Workshop

Core area plays an important part in our overall health. Abdominal muscles help with breathing, and aligning the pelvis. They also help move and rotate the upper body back and forth, keep the spine long, support the lower back, and contain the organs that aid digestion. The strength of the abdominal area plays a very important role not only on the mat, but also in daily life. So strong abdominal muscles are important for our health.

In this workshop, we will work on activating and strengthening the abdominal muscles with awareness. By doing this, I am intending for us to dive deeper into understanding the importance of the core area, how to connect with it and engage it in a way that can help improve our practice on the mat and our daily life off the mat. 

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Yoga ve Şifa Kampı
to Apr 17

Yoga ve Şifa Kampı

  • Seshane Eğitim ve Yaşam Merkezi (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Bu 5 günlük yoga ve şifa kampı, yoga asana pratiği ve meditasyon ile birlikte somatik çalışmalarla ve kristal çanaklarla ses banyosu seanslarıyla hem fiziksel hem ruhsal hem de enerjisel boyutta derinlemesine bir çalışma olacaktır. Bu çalışmalar kendimizi ve sinir sistemimizi daha iyi tanıdığımız yerden bizi hem fiziksel hem de ruhsal şifaya ve özümüze götürmesi niyetiyle düzenlenmiştir.

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Welcoming Spring with Crystal Sonic Bath

Welcoming Spring with Crystal Sonic Bath

On the equinox, we have a balance of light and dark, day and night, and the seasons are in a balanced state as well. These days can be seen as turning points. Spring in itself is a time for rebirth. Celebrations, and gatherings are all things that would take place at the time of the spring equinox to mark the joy of the return of life to Earth. This is also seen as the moment in which to best cleanse negative energy. So, by embracing this day of the year and helping the cleansing of energy with this sound bath, you can feel the benefits of the rebirth even more.

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Yoga and Healing Retreat
to May 8

Yoga and Healing Retreat

This is a 5 day retreat where we will practice yoga and meditation, learn about Somatic Approach and Experiencing, and receive healing energies with sound baths with Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls every day.

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Welcoming Spring with Crystal Sonic Bath

On the equinox, we have a balance of light and dark, day and night, and the seasons are in a balanced state as well. These days can be seen as turning points. Spring in itself is a time for rebirth. Celebrations, and gatherings are all things that would take place at the time of the spring equinox to mark the joy of the return of life to Earth. This is also seen as the moment in which to best cleanse negative energy. So, by embracing this day of the year and helping the cleansing of energy with this sound bath, you can feel the benefits of the rebirth even more. 

This is a Crystal Sonic Bath with Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls. The Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls are designed for healing and wellbeing, having a transformational effect on any presenting imbalances within the mind, emotions, physical body and biofield. They are here to sing us back to alignment with our true nature. The Alchemy Singing Bowls’ tones and vibrations fill the space to create a deeply sensory experience. Their velvety, ethereal sounds are welcomed by the body, mind and the spirit, allowing each moment to take us into a deeper peaceful state, which is our natural state.

All levels of fitness is welcome, but this event is unsuitable for anyone in the first trimester of their pregnancy, who has epilepsy, heart issues or severe mental health issues. If you have any specific health issues please contact me prior to the event.

Exchange - 22£

You can purchase your tickets in the link provided below.

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Mindfulness Workshop Series
to Mar 8

Mindfulness Workshop Series

In the first week of March, I will be facilitating a series of Mindfulness workshops. This series will consist of 4 modules that follow and build on each other. These workshops intend to help you increase your self-awareness, allow you to have more clarity about your innerworkings, and thus live life not from a reactionary place but from a more mindful, intentional and effective place.

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