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Mindfulness Workshop Series

  • Etiler Istanbul Turkey (map)

In the first week of March, I will be facilitating a series of Mindfulness workshops. This series will consist of 4 modules that follow and build on each other. These workshops intend to help you increase your self-awareness, allow you to have more clarity about your innerworkings, and thus live life not from a reactionary place but from a more mindful, intentional and effective place. 

These workshops consist of mindfulness practices based on Gestalt approach, and yoga asana practices that allow us to physically experience what we mentally comprehend in the first two hours. We will close each day with meditation and personal shares for the day.

The content of the workshops will be as follows:

29th of February - Flexibility - We will approach flexibility as a mental state, and understand this concept as it relates to who we are as a person.

1st of March - Being in the present moment - We will focus on how we understand and perceive our surroundings in the present moment, and by shedding some light on our inner workings, we will have a better grasp of our attributions and how we can have a more effective communication in our relationships.

7th of March - Unfinished issues - We will look within and discover the issues that we have been carrying within us which have been tainting the way we see, perceive and interact with our surroundings. This comprehension will help us define our unfinished issues, and hopefully take the steps to resolve them.

8th of March - Resistance - We will discuss in which circumstances resistance can be effective. Then we will discuss where we practice resistance within ourselves where it is not serving to our highest good. We will also go over the last three workshops and discuss in which areas we exercise resistance regarding those topics.

These workshops will take place from 2 to 6 pm on the 29th of February, 1st, 7th and 8th of March. All who are attending will need to come to all four workshops.

If you have any questions or if you are interested in attending, please contact me via email, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

March 2

Yoga and Sound bath